Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Taking Note

An Audi with leather interior... check
Fine tuned sound system... check
Tight white pants and black shirt... check
The leather jacket, the Raybans... check

Although I try not to judge a book by its cover, I prudently took note not to expect much from the contents... even though the cover was attractive enough.

So what if you have all the moved and know the right words to stimulate interesting conversation?
You may think that you know how to satisfy, but you lack the integrity and intention to keep a woman satisfied.

Perhaps you’ve mastered the skill of one night pleasures to fooling yourself into believe that is where true happiness lies.
Why put up with one woman if you can have them all?
Old habits die hard.
Yes they do, and at thirty-three years of age, it takes real strength of spirit to change.
And why change?

Taking note of your arrogance; your emptiness; your lack of commitment or love for something or someone in life other than yourself.
Your intelligence fails to impress me due to the fact that is it used for manipulative purposes.
You’re the one they warn all their daughters about...
The one that awakens the desire; feeds the fire but never quenches the thirst.

To stay longer than an evening, for days in a row and timeless moments is a tremendous emotional commitment.
The risky kind that sees both the best and the worst of a person, that fills the empty void you’ve become unaware of.
It amuses me that you think me a prisoner of my desires when you’re the one who won’t risk opening up to someone else.

Potential shouldn’t be regarded as a guarantee.
Something’s, some people and some moments just can’t be faked -
And those who know don’t bother trying.

Don’t take up challenges you can’t win – take note!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Um gajo chines a bues de anos disse :"podes tirar as garras e as presas a um tigre fexalo numa gaiola e amansalo mas o tigre sera sempre um caçador"...pois o gajo chines ate tem razao e dificil mudar habitos e dificil mudarmos para algo k nao somos eu bem sei ixo...pois tb eu kero mudar...e dificil especialmente kuando agimos inconcientement....eu bem sei...e dificil darmos por nos kuando passamos de simpelksmente simpaticos para charmosos, de divertidos para encantadores...do rapaz inocent para o campeao indomavel, da voz melodiosa para a sinfonia extasiante ....e facto a popularidade tb na ajuda muito , kaundo a besta ja nao e anonima mas sera k o sapo k tu ves nao e apenas u princepe k espera o beijo k o trasformara ou sera k e apenas um batrakio askeroso e nojento k sempre conhecestt....toma cuidado ..todas as moedas tem duas faces