I looked out the window and they were dancing…
Oblivious to my gaze, they let themselves get swept away by the heat of the moment and I…
I watched… and my body ached for something only my heart remembers.
To dance.
With myself…
With the music...
With the rhythm…
To dance with him…
Was to erase all the world but for the music and the dance floor…
Just us… me and him… and the music.
We'd gently get close at first.
I'd feel his body and he'd feel mine…
We'd learn each others movements and adapt them to our own… and then the more daring steps would begin.
I recall his tight grip…
The strength of his arm around my waist…
One look into the hunger in his eyes and I dared to be move, to take defying steps…
To let him turn me, twist me, dip me and sway me around the dance floor as if it were all ours and no one else's.
The sweet scent of his sweaty neck, the heat that his breath burned upon my own…
His hands were liquid volcano each time he touched my bare skin and I felt his heart racing each time I beckoned him closer…
As if our bodies couldn't reach close enough.
Dancing is the vertical expression of a horizontal desire…
We'd lock eyes and we'd hold each other, as being in each other's arms was our sole purpose for living.
Each time I pulled away, it was if my heart was being torn from my chest…
Then he’d pull me back as if he’d make love to me right there on the dance floor.
My every muscle and nerve answered to his touch, to his demand.
Slaves to the music…
Fast and intense…
Slow and torturous…
And when the music stopped…
I’d hang on to him for as long as I could, I'd gasped for air and know that I was ruined for life.
Oh to dance with him…
To feel alive.
Like a woman…
With taboo's and no restrictions.
The dance floor is my chosen prison.
My church…
the place where I heal my hurts…
Where I feel whole.
Anyone who dances will tell you… the music ends too soon.
Just when you're enjoying it the most, just as you've gotten the hang of it; the music stops and it's over.
You can start over, switch partners and wait for the next song but it will never be the same dance you began with.
Because they're all different… unique…
Each dance holds its own steps, its own story, its own memory.
They danced as if no one were watching; I suspect that even if they knew that I was… they wouldn't have cared.
Closing my eyes, I danced with him along with them on the pavement.
We moved in close, danced… and smiled at each other.
All was forgiven, words ceased to have importance.
All that mattered was that he dances with me and I danced with him.
I miss him sometimes.
Tragedy isn't when the music comes to an end…
It's when the music ends and you realized that lost the opportunity to dance.
It's the regret no one should have.
To dance,
To speak your soul’s language with your body.
To gesticulate your desires with each movement.
To Trust.
To be trusted.
And to know that whatever happens, all that matters is that you enjoy yourself.
Every chance you get…
With whomever destiny picks as your partner…
As if no one were looking…
Because life is short and you never know if you'll get a chance to dance.
Oblivious to my gaze, they let themselves get swept away by the heat of the moment and I…
I watched… and my body ached for something only my heart remembers.
To dance.
With myself…
With the music...
With the rhythm…
To dance with him…
Was to erase all the world but for the music and the dance floor…
Just us… me and him… and the music.
We'd gently get close at first.
I'd feel his body and he'd feel mine…
We'd learn each others movements and adapt them to our own… and then the more daring steps would begin.
I recall his tight grip…
The strength of his arm around my waist…
One look into the hunger in his eyes and I dared to be move, to take defying steps…
To let him turn me, twist me, dip me and sway me around the dance floor as if it were all ours and no one else's.
The sweet scent of his sweaty neck, the heat that his breath burned upon my own…
His hands were liquid volcano each time he touched my bare skin and I felt his heart racing each time I beckoned him closer…
As if our bodies couldn't reach close enough.
Dancing is the vertical expression of a horizontal desire…
We'd lock eyes and we'd hold each other, as being in each other's arms was our sole purpose for living.
Each time I pulled away, it was if my heart was being torn from my chest…
Then he’d pull me back as if he’d make love to me right there on the dance floor.
My every muscle and nerve answered to his touch, to his demand.
Slaves to the music…
Fast and intense…
Slow and torturous…
And when the music stopped…
I’d hang on to him for as long as I could, I'd gasped for air and know that I was ruined for life.
Oh to dance with him…
To feel alive.
Like a woman…
With taboo's and no restrictions.
The dance floor is my chosen prison.
My church…
the place where I heal my hurts…
Where I feel whole.
Anyone who dances will tell you… the music ends too soon.
Just when you're enjoying it the most, just as you've gotten the hang of it; the music stops and it's over.
You can start over, switch partners and wait for the next song but it will never be the same dance you began with.
Because they're all different… unique…
Each dance holds its own steps, its own story, its own memory.
They danced as if no one were watching; I suspect that even if they knew that I was… they wouldn't have cared.
Closing my eyes, I danced with him along with them on the pavement.
We moved in close, danced… and smiled at each other.
All was forgiven, words ceased to have importance.
All that mattered was that he dances with me and I danced with him.
I miss him sometimes.
Tragedy isn't when the music comes to an end…
It's when the music ends and you realized that lost the opportunity to dance.
It's the regret no one should have.
To dance,
To speak your soul’s language with your body.
To gesticulate your desires with each movement.
To Trust.
To be trusted.
And to know that whatever happens, all that matters is that you enjoy yourself.
Every chance you get…
With whomever destiny picks as your partner…
As if no one were looking…
Because life is short and you never know if you'll get a chance to dance.
wonderfull tonight... lembrei-me de Clapton quando lia teu apaixonante post!
Ainda não tou em pleno, vim sussurar-te que o interiorNorte reabre hoje(mais loguinho...) as portas!
Em breve pagarei a promessa(the power of mind......) !
um beijo e o convite!!!!
Paulo Santos
Lets! I believe we havent danced yet so lets put that on your itenarary.
Tambem o estranho reparara nela. na imensidão da carruagem seminua, via-a atrapalhada com o peso bruto das malas que carregavam mais que objectos utilitarios colocados na pressa da fuga. Carregavam o peso da propria existencia.Teria ele proprio se ofertado para as colocar na bagageira que encima os bancos ms não o fez por timidez ou amargura. Simplesmente. E enquanto se alheava na paisagem arida que só seu sentimento compreendia, não deixava de fortuitamente tentar compreender tal personagem.Tal doce mulher. Que a levava a seguir nesta carruagem de almas cruas e despidas que ninguem ousava tentar compreender? de que fugia?
Talvez dela propria...do seu passado?? Talvez quisesse apenas arriscar e reescrever seu futuro???
Mas porque viria para aqui??? Num sitio de tão esquecido aonde a solidão é por vezes a melhor e unica amiga!
Na curva do caminho que agora percorria, não deixou de sentir que tambem ela dera um apressado salto de fé na paragem.
Apetecia-lhe voltar para trás e recebe-la... agarrar-lhe forte nas malas e carregar com elas seu destino...
Ou pausando um pouco no caminho , fazer dessas malas mesa e banco e saborea-la num namoro doce escutando-lhe os medos e receios . Apenas isso. Ouvi-la. Sem grandes palavras ou conselhos.
quem sabe, atrevido, a convidasse para uma dança???
Mas não podia.
há certas aves que so são felizes voado livres no firmamento.Morrem quando lhes apara as asas ou as colocam num faustoso e rico cativeiro.
rezando que fosse gaivota! livre no céu mas fiel no ninho.
Aqui é terra arida mas livre. Não podia ser seu cárcere.
Virou-lhe as costas em desejo.Deixando-a ser livre. Não em desespero!Livre como ela só. Livre para os seus desejos. Livre no poder do seu alado voo. Ainda que só na sua mente.....
Foi uma fabulosa surpresa tua visita. Adorei o texto e o teu empenho. Tá super e repleto de trocadilhos e emoções.
Afinal tinha razão. tens que pensar em poostar um dia deste em portugues!
Lembrei-me do filme "finding forrester" com o sean connery. O filme não é nada do outro mundo, mas tem similaridades com o que aqui se passou. Pegas-te nalgumas palavras minhas e fizeste-as Tuas!Parabens!!!!!
na brevidade da visita resolvi completar a historia do meu ponto de vista. Espero que gostes!!!
um beijo.
Até se respira no doce bater da ausencia de décibeis.
Acordava lentamente num ninho que sabia de cor. Como se a doce manjedoura criasse braços que toda a noite o envolviam em segredo.
Os olhos limpidos visualizavam o acordar inteiramdo-se do mundo.
Aos poucos despertava os musculos que o fariam mover.
Movimento! levanta-se e dirige-se decidido´até á janela abrindo-a.
Uma brisa matinal areja o interior e a alma.De olhar rasgado contempla a imensidão da paisagem. Neste fim de verão o outono apressa-se pintando de verde seco as folhas do platano da praça. Folhas grandes que em breve tomariam a cor dos seus olhos.
Movimento!veste-se num ápice. pela primeira vez em algum tempo a estupida gravata ficava abandonada no movel. Uma camisa xadrez mal abotoada e uma calças claras de marinheiro bastariam para anunciar seu regresso. Completava o visual com a barba de 4 dias e o cabelo grisalho esbugalhado .
trazia na mão amarrotado o maço de jonh Player e um zippo antigo que tinha percorrido ãs sete paragens do mundo.
Em silencio, sentado no secular e granitico banco no exterior do farol, fumava um cigarro que lhe adensava a vista no negrura do fumo espesso.
Um apressado coelho com o imenso relogio berrava - Como é tarde... Como é tarde...
e desaparecia candido na ligeireza dos saltos...
Tarde para que? questionava-se enquanto soltava um véu de fumo da sua boca..
subitamente, lemvbrou-se dela. Daquele rosto feminino que a agrura e o desespero da bagagem cobriam. Convicto, acreditava que o destino é somente aquilo que fazemos dele.... bullshit!!!!!
Tanta coisa depende das nossas decisões. E tambem elas afectam a vida de tantos. Confudia por vezes timidez com cobardia e passado com futuro.Em solidão ...
Mas era assim. mOVIMENTO!
O gato sorridente apresentava a sua metamorfose com os enigmas do costume.... Apeteceu-lhe atirar-lhe uma bota para o espantar. mas estava descalço. Ignorou-o . Mas ouviu em silencio o enigma - " quem te persegue busca-te...porque será".
Não sei... Nem quero saber. Meditava no interior sem ainda saber que a poucos passos de distancia uma alma livre E JÁ SEM BAGAGEM escolhera ficar....
Eu dei uma ajuda!
mais uma vez imensos e rasgados parabens!A surpresa foi imensa. O teu portugues evolui de uma forma fantastica!! A historia tá fabulosa ! Falta a ultima parte que deixo para ti! A historia é tua termina-a como bem entenderes!!!!
Beijo doce para ti!
Muito dança o coração escritor desta rapariga! :)
Dark kiss.
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