Monday, July 23, 2007

Word from Sunshine

I guess I should apologise for haven´t writing in so long... but that would mean that I´d be sorry for the time that I´ve spent being happy and in love, therefore it wouldn´t be an honest apology.
I´m living the things worth writing about... which means I don´t always have the time to write... in my blog at least. Those who know me, know my need to write...
It´s the only way I can get my thoughts to make sense and to figure out what i´m thinking.
I can´t promise I´ll write tomorrow, but I can promise that i´ll keep writing.
All my love to those who keep reading.


Klatuu o embuçado said...

Afinal ainda não morreste! :)=

DRC said...

Just live the experience, in the "breaks" you'll write or not :)

Unknown said...

aahhh....aqui estás...


mr said...

Ainda bem que não desapareceste! honestamente, já sentia a falta de "te ler" :)