If you own an I-Pod, an Mp3 player… in fact if you own any gadget that allows you to listen to music whilst in movement… this is particularly for you!
What better invention that the one that allows you to listen to your favourite music whilst getting to and from places?
In the train, metro or bus you block out the sound of the city with the rhythm that entertains your soul and sets your mood…
To many, it is the gift that keeps on giving…
HOWEVER! The following consequences must be taken into consideration!
Due to the fact that your ears are in tune with your tunes; you no longer hear the cars and people that pass you by. This includes sensing when someone is walking behind you.
Which means if any cute guys whistle or hoot at you, you're gonna miss the opportunity of meeting the man of your dreams!
And if this isn't a high enough risk; you also have a high probability of making a total ass of yourself!
Here I was walking home on an empty street when the Madonna’s “Sorry” took me over! The volume at which I was hearing the song made me lose conscience of the fact that I was singing.
If that weren’t bad enough, the quality of the sound was so that it felt perfectly natural to dance as if I were on a dancefloor and so in addition to my singing… I danced.
It would've all been good if I'd made it home without noticing the three fluorescent yellow vests applauding my performance.
I'm sure it gave the garbage man something very interesting to write in his blog about.
As for the picture… I decided that I've had enough publicity thanks to my I-Pod and took the opportunity on leaving a Valentine gift suggestion…
Hurry while stocks last! :P
Podia ter corrido mal e o lixo ter ido parar à tua cabeça! Se não foi, é bom sinal!
Eu sou a favor da espontaneidade!
And you're thinking about his blog, it's most likely that he/they had a video camera, and now you're a star at YouTube.
now i'm going to finish this comment and start looking for videos :P
Cuidado com os poderes da Madonna! Perigosa!
Gostei do teu espírito comercial, a venderes a cena. :)
Unresigned: Pois é!!! Mas a minha aposta é que eles já estão surdos de ouvir o carro do lixo por isso é que me safei!!!
Também sou a favor da espontaneidade mas penso que vou pensar numa nova rota durantes uns tempos!
DRC: If you find anything, ask them how much they´re willing to recieve to take it off the net!!!... Trust me, it´s for the good of all mankind!
Adolfo: Pois é! A mulher tem uma energia incalculável! ;)
PS. também há iboxers para mulheres, vale a pena a pesquisa no google ;)
«Due to the fact that your ears are in tune with your tunes; you no longer hear the cars and people that pass you by. This includes sensing when someone is walking behind you.
Which means if any cute guys whistle or hoot at you, you're gonna miss the opportunity of meeting the man of your dreams!»
Say what?? Portuguese guys only say SHIT!
«Here I was walking home on an empty street when the Madonna’s “Sorry” took me over! The volume at which I was hearing the song made me lose conscience of the fact that I was singing.
If that weren’t bad enough, the quality of the sound was so that it felt perfectly natural to dance as if I were on a dancefloor and so in addition to my singing… I danced.»
Didn't You see the fluorescent black beyond the garbage man??:)=
P. S. Do they sell black iboxers? :)
Dark kiss.
Klatuu: Gosh buddy, as much as i´m inclined to agree with you on the first point (and trust me that I mean it when I say that i´m VERY INCLINED) The fact of the matter there´s always exceptions (few I know) but they´re out there... Gotta think positive LOL!
As for black Iboxers... they sell anything over the net, and if not, we´ll get you white ones and dye them!
PS. That better not have been you in the black vest, due to the fact that i´ll be insulted that you didn´t say hello!
Marco Mota: Olá e seja bem vindo!!! Aqui comentas na lingua que bem queres e intendes (excepto Francês - não sei nada além de Jetaime, Lingerie e Merci)
Obrigada pelo elogio! Ès sempre bem vindo ao blog... aparece sempre que te apetecer! :)
Amigo da minha prima é amigo meu, pois entre as duas ela tem mais juizo e só escolhe pessoas maravilhosas para fazerem parte da vida dela.
Em relação ao Tom Cruise... amigo, para um homem desses eu nunca mais abria a boca para cantar!!!... pensando bem... não consigo prescendir da minha cantarolla no duche... vou ter apostar num borracho surdo!
nota para a sunshine:
não ignorei a foto, preferi mesmo não a comentar :D
nota para a Unresigned:
Como eu conheço o teu bom gosto, não era preciso comentares a foto ;)
Hello! (me in white iboxers - aaarrrrrggggggggghhhhhhhhhhh!:/)
We´ll dye them black! :P Nobody will ever have to know! ;)
Huummm... is that an excuse to see me naked? :)=
Who said anything about needing an excuse :P
LOL... porta-te bem! È assim que começam os boates! Depois vou ter uma porrada de vampiras a quererem me morder o pescoço!!!
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