Sunday, February 25, 2007

Born to be Free

Photosource: Luis Sardinha (Kalash)

I recently received one of those e-mails with a brilliant story… in short it goes as follows:

King Arthur decided to spare a young thief's life on the condition that in one year the boy would discover the answer to the following question:
“What do women really want?”
The boy traveled across the world, interviewed thousands of women and yet came home clueless. He was then advised to see the local witch, if anyone had the answer it would be her. The boy then went to the witch who agreed to give him the answer on the condition that his best friend Lancelot would marry her. Being an old, fat and ugly hag this was the biggest sacrifice the boy could ask of his best friend however in order to save his best friend's life, his friend didn't think twice in agreeing. The witch gave the boy the answer which was satisfactory to the king and the boy was saved. The answer was:
“Women want the freedom do decide”
During the wedding reception the witch horrified the guests with her rude behaviour. She ate with her hands, burped and behaved nothing like a lady should. However through the whole ceremony, her new husband was patient with her, showing no signs of repulsion.
When the wedding night came, he waited for her patiently in their bedroom. He was surprised when a beautiful and elegant woman walks in and tells him that she is his bride.
“For having been so patient with me during the ceremony, I'm going to give you the choice of having me this beautiful but only for part of the day. You must decide whether you want me beautiful during the day or during the night”
(What would your choice be?!)
Lancelot replied that she should rather choose and with that answer she replied:
“In that case I want to be beautiful for you always”
Moral of the Story: A woman transforms into whatever you treat her as.

If you believe that behaviour generates behaviour then you assume half of the responsibility of the attitude people choose to have towards you.
This works both ways.

I believe that you get back whatever you put out.


DRC said...

Yes, one get back what he/she puts out, but it's a two way street.

Unknown said...

You know: What goes around, comes around...

Quem semeia ventos, colhe tempestades...

Por vezes, n sabemos os motivos das outras pessoas qd têm determinados comportamentos connosco, e na maior parte das vezes, pq esquecemo-nos de olhar pa nós e po q fizemos para saber se fomos responsáveis por tal...às tantas é pq n queremos ter metade das culpas, e torna-se mais fácl apenas culpar os outros...o q n significa q é certo, antes plo contrário. Mas a verdade,é q andamos tão concentrados em nós e no nosso mundo com os problemas tds que possam haver, que nem nos lembramos de olhar po lado e ver se as nossas acções ou palavras feriram alguém...

É cm qd alguém te magoa, pq te desilude...Ou será que foi tu que esperaste demasiado dessa pessoa??

Fica bem


E continua a escrever...Sabe bem ler o q pensas...

Merchi said...

I believe that it takes two to tango ...

Liilavati said...

Escolhas...a nossa vida é feita de escolhas...
"Não podemos escolher o que colhemos, mas podemos escolher o que plantamos"

Moinante said...

Navegando por aí ,traçando novos rumos , em busca de novos mundos , tentanto deixar em cada porto um amigo ...

Unknown said...

Então??? Onde andas que nunca´+ escreveste?? Miss ur words!!!

o alquimista said...

Noite, companheira na viajem ao fundo do lago azul procuro um anjo que veio dos mares do sul...

Doce beijo

Sunshine said...

Draco: Exactly! It works both ways!

Sophia: Fui ele que esperou demais de mim... ou não, porque o futuro entretanto revelou que ele mede melhor as minhas capacidades do que eu própria! :)
Sei que tenho andando desaparecida amiga, mas por boa causa... Mais importante que escrever sobre os momentos maravilhosos da vida, é viver-los! :)

Merchi: It most certainly does! :)

Moinante: Bem Vindo... aqui quem doca tem uma amiga para sempre.

Alquimista: Vou investir em todas as cores do Arco Iris e fazer o que já é feito desde o inicio do tempo... juntar o Sul e o Norte no centro ;)