Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Sunshine’s Column – Blog Description

Photosource: Unknown
Recently I received an e-mail from a real-time search engine dedicated for fast feed discovery called feedmil asking me for a description of my blog.
They already have my feed page linked on feedmil and all they asked for was a description of my blog to put under “words from the author”

Surprised to say the least, it took me a while to register the request and even longer to figure out the description to send them.
Asking me to describe my blog is like asking me to describe myself.
I’ve never been good at it.
Not because I don’t know who I am but because there’s so much contradiction to me that it reduces to a simple “I’m just me” – it’s the best description I can come up with. Oddly enough this description is normally followed by the tune of Meredith Brook’s “I’m a bitch” playing in my head (to which now I will proceed to hum to myself the for rest of the day).

But you can’t exactly describe a blog as “this is my blog” nor did I wanted to resume it as “these are the adventures and misadventures of Sunshine” or worse “this is Sunshine’s story”. I decided to stick the main objective of the description which is to enlighten readers on what it’s all about… so what is it all about?

Someone once told me that the best poets and writers are chronically depressed. Under a sane frame of mind no work of depth can be created. Although I don’t consider myself to fall under the catagory "great writer" I never agreed with this opinion due to the fact that I’ve always been keen on sharing my thoughts regardless of my state of spirit and that my inspiration always comes from the same place, my soul.
Six years and 358 published posts later, my opinion hasn´t changed.
I must admit though, I’ve reduced in the amount of posts I write ever since I met and hooked up with my better half.
However, I don’t attribute this reduction to the idea that I’m happier and therefore have less to say. The way I see it, my increased happiness only increased the amount of things I want to write about. However, now that I have someone to share my moments with I decided to invest my time more in living these moments than writing about them.

So why continue writing if there’s already someone paying witness to my life and if these days there are so few readers accompanying my writing?
I can honestly say that I’ve never written for anyone else but myself. Often I need to “hear” myself think and when I write I give myself the opportunity to see what’s really going on in my soul. It’s easier to resort to logic and somebody else’s answer than to search inside yourself for your true path. I’ve always said that my most important career is “being myself” – this blog makes it just that much easier.

After writing this post and reading it back to myself, I finally managed to write the description I feel my blog should have:

Sunshine’s column is the perspective of a young woman living the things worth writing about and writing the things worth reading. A compilation of experiences of someone trying to write her own life’s story whilst trying to live life without following the instruction manuals written by everyone else. She writes these experiences as a way of mirroring her perspective to herself, a way of "hearing" herself think. She shares these thoughts in hope that as she figures things out, maybe they will help someone else figure things out too.


Anonymous said...

I miss figuring things out with you. Keep writing because coming here keeps you real to your friends that are at a distance.

Pandora said...

Vale sempre a pena escrever, quando isto nos está na alma... Não deixes de escrever, porque, por poucos que sejamos, apreciamos sempre os teus posts... :)

Phil said...

We've gone a long way since the MALE VALUES days, and not once did I stop respecting you. After all, writers stick up for each other and, from the heart, your words really helped build up my current emotional balance. I appreciate it C.

All the best

Brisky said...

Babe, you know despite all the contradictions we lived, there's so much reflection in what you write that we passed . That sometimes what you write, is like resting hideout for what I'm about to live.
There's this saying "he who sings, keeps away bad things", you do it by writing, and we don't want bad things. ;)

Huge kiss and all the best.

Madalena said...

Minha Sunshine, não me esqueço de ti. :) *

Sunshine said...

Anonymous: I miss our long philosophical conversations... I´ll never be gone from this space.

Pandora: È sempre bom saber que alguem leu, que alguem deu-nos atenção. Mas melhor que isso é aquele suspiro de alleviu depois de publicar um post em que descarregamos a alma.

Phil: Honey! You made me reread MALE VALUES all over again! LOL! Yeaps - we´ve definitely come a loooong way since then! I didn´t realise that I´d inspired you that much, thank-you for sharing that with me! Have I told you lately how proud I am of you?! You´ve come so far and evolved so much creativately and so many other levels. I can´t begin to tell you how happy I am that we crossed paths!

Brisky: Hehehe... I remember a post about two cowboys that walked in to town... I remember a lot of things and regret nothing. To live intensily, enjoy every moment, make every opportunity special whilst in all being yourself is truly a huge task - and you do it like nobody else i´ve ever met! I write not to keep away bad things... I write to keep them sunny =)

As cores da vida: nem eu de ti! Escreve mais vezes... fazes falta a quem tanto gosta de te "ouvir"

Sunshine said...

Anonymous: I miss our long philosophical conversations... I´ll never be gone from this space.

Pandora: È sempre bom saber que alguem leu, que alguem deu-nos atenção. Mas melhor que isso é aquele suspiro de alleviu depois de publicar um post em que descarregamos a alma.

Phil: Honey! You made me reread MALE VALUES all over again! LOL! Yeaps - we´ve definitely come a loooong way since then! I didn´t realise that I´d inspired you that much, thank-you for sharing that with me! Have I told you lately how proud I am of you?! You´ve come so far and evolved so much creativately and so many other levels. I can´t begin to tell you how happy I am that we crossed paths!

Brisky: Hehehe... I remember a post about two cowboys that walked in to town... I remember a lot of things and regret nothing. To live intensily, enjoy every moment, make every opportunity special whilst in all being yourself is truly a huge task - and you do it like nobody else i´ve ever met! I write not to keep away bad things... I write to keep them sunny =)

As cores da vida: nem eu de ti! Escreve mais vezes... fazes falta a quem tanto gosta de te "ouvir"