Monday, February 01, 2010

Made by Bimby...

Picturesource: Sunshine
What can you accomplish with a Bimby, two hours and two cooks?
-Codfish with chickpeas and cornbread
-Fresh bread
-Garlic and Parsley butter
-Cottage cheese pie
-Pumpkin pie

And this is why I love my Bimby!
Because everything comes out right unless the cook fails to follow the recipe… which I didn’t…
Okay, maybe I had a little oopsie on the cottage cheese pie, but it was still edible!

Considering that for the last four months all my Bimby has made is soup, veggies and fish by vapour, I reckon that if she could talk this weekend she’d be screaming:
“yeah baby! take me on!”… and boy did we!
Invited to a birthday brunch, we decided to take something sweet along and while we were at it, we might as well make something extra…
Nothing like making the most of your investment like going on a cooking spree!
(And leaving the sweet stuff at someone else’s house, hehehe)
My better half and I both agreed that experimenting on our Bimby is something we both been missing… (It’s a pity that it comes with an extra 700gr that I was definitely NOT missing!)

But playing with our toy wasn’t the best part.
It wasn’t the fact that we had so few dishes to wash at the end either.
And although the mouth watering aroma’s sneaking out my kitchen were temptingly inviting…

...I’d say the best part was when he passed me eggs and I passed him the spoon and he put on the oven and I passed him the oven mittens…
Although we worked out a gameplan – the real secret to why we were so quick was the teamwork that flew between us. The fact that we didn’t slow each other down or step on each other’s toes and the fact that the other person was there when an extra hand was needed…

I looked at my man this Sunday and thought to myself “Yeaps, I reckon I can spend a lifetime with you”

…As long as we keep the Bimby, hehehe!


Unknown said...

Yes, it definitely was a good Sunday morning.

One argument that I regularly ear is that the Bimby is only to people that don't like to cook. I think its precisely the opposite, I like to cook much more with Bimby than without.

Sunshine said...

... One more reason why I love my Bimby - you doing the cooking, hehehe.

Anonymous said...

hey thanks for the comment . . . and I guess a part of HER was curious and gave in to the temptation to try new things , and once that curiosty was tasted she realised there were better things for her out there than being stuck in the same routine with HIM.