From the guy with “jeans and lip ring” to “the suit and tie”.
I personally prefer the guys with the piercings;
They generally let the ladies go in first and they greet you, often with a smile.
Whilst the latter have their noses way too high up to notice you beneath them.
Maybe it’s the altitude of working in the upper floors that gets to their brains; whatever it is, it seems to affect mostly anything that wears a suit.
I had just come back from my dinner hour when I happened to catch one of these sophisticated colleagues waiting for an elevator.
Wearing a beige suit and an annoyed expression on his face, he looked at his watch and then stood to attention with his hands folded in front of him whilst staring at the elevator.
When it finally arrived, he got in and then I got in.
He pressed on the 7th and I pressed on the 3rd and we both waited for the elevator to take us up.
It was just as the elevator began moving that it happened…
Without Warning…
The Art of a Fart…
The Loud are all talk and little or no potency…
The Silent are violent…
And the then there are those that sound as if they came out with gravy… Eww!
I suddenly found the positive side to a blocked nose!!!
For once I was happy for having the flu and I quickly erased the images of what his underwear might look like after what I’d just heard!
The other occupant of the elevator suddenly turned into a deep shade of red and without so much as blinking or looking my way said:
Due to fear of intoxication, I opted for nodding my head instead of opening my mouth and did my best not to breathe.
I don’t remember ever rushing out of an elevator so quickly!
Taking a deep breath of fresh air conditioned air; I grabbed on to my stomach and laughed uncontrollably until I finally managed to get a hold on myself.
On the bright side…
The myth that guys with suits are uptight asses isn't entirely true…
For it has been proven that they aren’t so uptight to enable the release of gas…
To those who wear suit and ties, I’m sure I convey the feelings of all when I humbly ask that when you do feel the need… the rumble in the tummy… or a gasbomb threat… Please use the stairs.
Crazy girl! :)=
Two letters for you "JB" :D
You might caught him in action, either in the elevator or in a reunion :P
Pelas escadas não! É que por aí subo eu! :)
Quando uso fato continuo bem educado... O problema estará mesmo na criatura dentro do fato, parece-me. (neste caso, o problema está no que se passa dentro da criatura dentro do fato!)
só sei que depois deste episódio fiz por apanhar outro elevador minutos depois! :)
[i prefer the guys with the peircings too :-)]
Klatuu: You don´t know the half of it :P...
DRC: LOL! I´ll only start to worry if they move him up to a higher floor... like I said, I think it´s the altitude!
Adolfo: Desculpa amigo! Tens razão... pelas escadas também morrem asfixiados!... Vão mas é que aprender a aguentar até chegar á casa de banho mais próxima. :P
Concordo contigo, o fato é gravata não tem culpa da personalidade generalizada que utilizei mas é um ponto de referência pois raramente encontro alguem de calças de ganga com essa attitude.
Unresigned: hehehe... porque eu foi amiguinha e avisei-te qual deles a não apanhar! :P
Fieryfairy: They are by far more interesting characters than guys with suits and ties! ;)
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