Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Missing in Action...

Photosource: Bernard Mitchell

Last week as I waited to talk to one of my colleague’s, I overheard her phone conversation with her daughter.
Her daughter had never missed a swimming lesson since a young child and for the first time wanted to stay home because some boy had called her fat.

I listened with my heart in throat as her mother told her the words I never got to hear;
She told her that she should face up to the boy, face up to her problems; explaining that she's as beautiful as she is and should not allow someone else to make her feel bad about herself and take her away from what she loved most to do.

I had to literally hold back the tears and the impulse to hug that woman and thank her for merely understanding her daughter... I'd like to do the same for my own daughter one day.

Today was Christmas and the house was so full you could barely move… there were laughs, jokes, smiles and plenty of memories replayed.
There couldn't be a happier moment and yet, I had the nagging feeling that something was missing…
Something that's always missing…
That's never there when I need her the most.


Klatuu o embuçado said...

Pois. The «big missing»...
Detesto multidões... ainda bem que sou um eremita! :)

Anonymous said...

Let go Sunshine, you can make up for the past in the future and the present only proves that.

Sunshine said...

klatuu: Eu sei que gostas de atenção exclusiva amigo mas acredita que ás vezes estar perdido numa multidão é uma bençoa.

Baileys: Not every Christmas brings with it the spirit... I know where you heart roamed this Christmas :) The Christmas spirit is like Love, just when you think you can´t feel it anymore it surprises you! :)

Storm: Working on it! Thanks Babes.